Friday, December 27, 2019

Article Critique The Ghost Of Cornel West - 1097 Words

Article Critique: The Ghost of Cornel West by Michael Eric Dyson â€Å"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned.† Within the article the tale of Cornel West`s ascension to fame and his descent into despair is rehashed all because he allowed his love for President Obama to turn sour. Giving a brief overview of the article it begins by discussing the distain that Cornel West harbors toward President Barack Obama, as the article continues on the initial tone that Dyson set is lost amongst the admiration and praise that Dyson holds for West. As the article persists Cornel west`s brilliance is highlighted by his personal works. However, toward the end of the article as Cornel West allows his contempt and hubris to cloud his judgement his vision of the future becomes shrouded in darkness. His work begins to stagnate and his descent into despair from fame drives him â€Å"mad†. West`s coup de grà ¢ce to his career was turning against his supporters in a fit of rage. The article The Ghost of Cornel West by Eric Dyson reads like a Greek tragedy written from a firsthand perspective. It is possible that the reason it reads like a Greek tragedy is because Dyson`s has a personal grudge against West. The Ghost of Cornel West holds some bias to it. Some of the bias is good and some of it is bad. In the beginning half of the article Dyson talks about how West nurtured his commitment to a life of the mind â€Å"West wrote a letter of recommendation on my behalf when I applied to graduate school†¦Ã¢â‚¬ 

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Descartes Meditations On First Philosophy - 1712 Words

Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy (1641) contains six Meditations. In the first two of these Descartes addresses doubt and certainty. By the end of the second Meditation Descartes establishes the possibility of certainty by concluding that he is a â€Å"thinking thing† and that this is beyond doubt. Having established the possibility of certainty, Descartes attempts to prove the existence of God. The argument he presents in the Third Meditation for the existence of God has been nicknamed the ‘Trademark’ argument. This argument deals with types of ideas, of which there are three, a principle called the Causal Adequacy principle, and a sliding scale of reality. The argument concludes that the idea of a God that is a perfect being is an innate idea that is real and was caused by God and therefore God is real. This argument will be explained with the greater detail in the next paragraph. In the Fifth Meditation Descartes again addresses the existence of God with an argument for His existence. This argument is a variation of St. Anselm’s ontological argument. This argument is also framed around his theory of ideas, as well as his principle of ‘clear and distinct perception’ and is explained and discussed in paragraph three. The paragraphs following these will discuss how convincing these two arguments from Descartes are and will deal with various objections. Many of these objections are strong enough that it will be clear why Descartes’ case has failed to convince everyone.Show MoreRelatedDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy807 Words   |  4 PagesConner Ruhl Professor Copley Philosophy 1000C 4 May 2015 Descartes, Meditations on First Philosophy Rene Descartes was the first great philosopher of the modern era, He had a new approach which was focused on scientific and mathematical truths. Descartes came to reject the scholastic tradition, one of which he was educated, due to his pursuit of mathematical and scientific truth. Much of Descartes work was done to secure advancement of human knowledge through the use of the natural sciencesRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1079 Words   |  5 PagesThroughout Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, Descartes argues for the ideas and philosophical beliefs behind skepticism. In his writings, he describes the fallibility and importance of the body of man and through extension the senses with which we observe the world. This paper will first show that within Descartes’ writings the body is an extension of the mind. Secondly, this paper will prove that the senses are a false form of understanding which leads to the deception of the mind. FinallyR ead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1318 Words   |  6 PagesPhilosophical Questions November 2, 2017 Cogito Ergo Sum Descartes Meditations on First Philosophy and his questioning of our existence in reality is a question which philosophers have tackled throughout time. Cogito ergo sum or I think therefore I am, a phrase brought about by Descartes is the backbone of his whole philosophy of our existence in reality. As long as we are thinking things, we exist. When we look at this approach to our existence we must first deny that any sensory data that we receive is believableRead MoreDescartes Meditations Of First Philosophy857 Words   |  4 PagesChristopher Joao Philosophy- 201 Mr. Jurkiewicz 4 March 2016 Descartes’ - Meditation #2 Rene Descartes was a French philosopher born in 1596. He is considered by many the father of modern philosophy and continues to have tremendous influence in the philosophical world to this day. The book, Meditations of First Philosophy, consist of six meditations and describes one meditation per day for six days. In meditation two, he claims that we have better knowledge of our own minds than of the physicalRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1264 Words   |  6 PagesDescartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy is a first-person record of Descartes’ descent into the bowels of disbelief, in order to eradicate all flawed belief from his life. In his first meditation, Descartes explains his argument for universal doubt, which leads him to doubt every truth he has ever established. Even the veracity of his sense perception is doubtful, as he renders those perceptions useless by arguing that in dreams, sense perceptions create the wildest of fantasies that can not beRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1536 Words   |  7 Pagesdid I formerly think I was? A man, of course. But what is a man?† (Descartes 340). This question that Descartes addresses in Meditations on First Philosophy is important because it outlines his core philosophical view in his work. His philosophy primarily focuses on dualism, which is the concept that there is another world that exists with ideal forms and is separate from the world of perception. The part of dualism that Descartes focuses his work on is the distinction between the soul and the bodyRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1080 Words   |  5 PagesRene Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, God is not mentioned until the third meditation. Descartes point of view on God simply claims his existence through the act of being. According to his claim, God must, essentially, exist as well as being an outcome of His own creation. Descartes was greatly interested in the idea that God’s being promoted an external force that controlled all beings that supported his presence. Descartes declarations, presented in his Meditations on First PhilosophyRead MoreDescartes Meditation On First Philosophy943 Words   |  4 Pages In the third meditation of Descartes Meditation on First Philosophy, Descartes argues that his idea of God must have come from God himself. One can also wonder whether that very own argument could also apply when Descartes has an idea of the Evil Demon. In this paper, I will argue that Descartes would not think that his having an idea of the Evil Demon proves that the Evil Demon exists. In his paper, Descartes was trying to find the source of his idea of God in order to prove that GodRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy1961 Words   |  8 PagesIn Descartes’ Meditations on First Philosophy, I will be considering if Descartes resolution to the â€Å"dreaming argument† seems acceptable to trust. The First Meditation is where the â€Å"dreaming argument† is first mentioned and then gets resolved later in the Sixth Meditation and the Objections and Replies. I will be touching on the idea that our experiences could be dreaming experiences based on personal experiences and thoughts I have had regarding this topic. Then I will go on to explain how it isRead MoreDescartes Meditations On First Philosophy922 Words   |  4 PagesIn Rene Descartes’ excerpt, Meditations on First Philosophy, he proclaims, â€Å"It is beyond question that I shall reach the truth if I think hard enough about the things that I perfectly understand, ke eping them separate from all the other matters in which my thoughts are more confused and obscure† ( §104). When Descartes made this statement in his fourth meditation, what was he conjecturing by the term â€Å"perfect?† According to the standard interpretation, perfect encompasses all required or desirable

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

The Millers Tale free essay sample

Ribald sexual content, humor, cheating wives, â€Å"arse† kissing, â€Å"The Millers Tale† and â€Å"The Wife of Baths Tale† have it all. However this is only 2 out of the many tales in the Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer. This story is about a group of 29 people who are all going on a pilgrimage to Canterbury to see the tomb of St. Tomas Beckett. In the tavern they meet in, they decide to have a competition for who can tell the best tale, and the winner will receive a free dinner. In this novel, Chaucer is trying to show how various aspects of life such as love and marriage are portrayed in the different social classes of a satire. In â€Å"The Millers Tale† and the â€Å"Wife of Baths Tale†, Chaucer shows how in two different social classes, love and marriage are shown differently. Some of the loves are based on nobility, some are forced, and some are just mutual respect for the person. We will write a custom essay sample on The Millers Tale or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In â€Å"The Millers Tale† the way love is shown is not really even love. When Nicholas sees Allison, he realizes quickly how bad he wants to sleep with her. What he does not see in Allison is personality, and goes solely by looks. Allison at first does not accept his offer and will not sleep him. But she quickly caves in, betraying her husband John, showing that there is no true love in their relationship. In this tale, the female is treated as a â€Å"prize† to be fought over by 3 principal male characters. The only one who fully engages on the true concept of love is John. He is truly sad when he finds out that she may be in trouble from the flood and he goes through a great effort to save her. But, his efforts and devotions seem foolish because of her betrayal of him. In the end, it is decided that in â€Å"The Millers Tale† love is either shown as misunderstood or not love at all, but lust. In the â€Å"Wife of Baths Tale†, almost the whole story is all concerned with women. The male characters job in the story is to merely find out what women want. Throughout the tale, the Knights fate is decided by the Queen, therefore showing a more feminist view on love. The Wife of Bath explains in this tale how the Knight is overcome by his own power, and rapes the woman. She believes that the males cannot control themselves and need a female (like how the Queen decides the Knights fate) to help control them. Later in the tale, it shows how one should do the exact opposite of what Nicholas was doing in â€Å"The Millers Tale’. When the knight takes the old woman to try to find out what women want, he chooses not to go by looks, but by how she promises to be loyal and would be better than young and unfaithful. By telling her what she wanted to hear, she turns young and beautiful. In this tale, Chaucer is trying to show how in the higher social class in this satire, there would be better choices made when deciding your love than in the lower class. In the different social classes in the medieval times, there are different views and ways in which women were treated. One tale told by a member of the lower class shows a more vulgar view on love. The tale coming from the Wife of Bath shows a smarter and more successful way on how to get the one you love. This should always be remembered in the real world because one should always tell women what they want to hear, and not go solely on looks but by personality and attitude.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Man Sized Job Essays - Sharlot Hall, British Poetry, Literature

Man Sized Job Man-Sized Job was written by Sharlot Hall (1870-1943). It is a poem that defines a woman's work from a man's point of view. Poems like this were uncommon in the late 1800's ? early 1900's, especially if women wrote them. The two aspects of this poem that I would like to analyze are the vocabulary used and the male chauvinistic point-of-view. If it weren't for these two exaggerated aspects, the poem would not have as strong of a meaning. The vocabulary used in this poem is far form proper. It is an exaggeration used to make men sound less intelligent than they think they are. Sharlot Hall wants men to sound less intelligent in this poem because the poem is from a man's point of view on what a woman's work should be. It is obvious to anyone that reads this poem that Hall is completely disagrees with the typical male point of view on what women should and should not do. Another reason for the language that is used is to make the men sound uneducated. Hall is hinting to her audience that women are actually smarter than men. Although she is taking a playful shot at men, the way she goes about it makes this poem enjoyable for both sexes. The chauvinistic point-of-view in this poem is obvious. It is greatly exaggerated so that Hall can get her point across to her audience clearly. She also uses it to get the audience on her side of the issue. This is a powerful tool that can be used. When someone reads a poem and they take they authors point-of-view on a subject, the poem becomes that much more interesting. This adds to the entertainment value of the poem. After all, the purpose of a poem should be to entertain and catch the interest of an audience. Hall uses this technique to her advantage. Her use of the chauvinistic point-of-view is probably the key to this poem being great. The two aspects of this poem that I analyzed in this paper were essential to the success of this poem. Both the vocabulary used by Hall and the male chauvinistic point-of-view expressed were essential in getting her point across to her audience. Although both tools were exaggerated dramatically, it was necessary for the reason behind the poem. In my opinion, this poem was written for one reason. This reason is to simply make fun of men and their attitudes. Hall did an excellent job.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Memo for Raising Awareness on Credit Scores among Interns

Introduction It has come to my attention that most of the interns hired by the bank have significant student loan debts and are struggling financially. These factors have resulted in low credit scores for most of you interns.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Memo for Raising Awareness on Credit Scores among Interns specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More I have further on discovered that most of you are unaware of the implications of low credit scores to your future employment opportunities with this bank. I therefore wish to enlighten you on credit scores, their importance, and measures that you can take to raise your individual scores. What are Credit Scores? A credit score is a numeric number that represents your credit risk by summarizing your credit report and payment history. It is used by lenders to determine how likely you are to pay a loan when it is due. Credit scores are determined by a mathematical formula th at is used to forecast the probability that an individual will default on a loan or extension of credit. If you have a lower score, then you have a higher probability of defaulting. FICO scores are the gold standard when it comes to credit scores with 90% of the top banks in the US using these scores to determine the credit worthiness of an individual.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More According to FICO, credit scores range from 300-850 with a high credit score being considered good while a lower one is bad. Generally, credit scores that are below 600 are considered bad credit while 650 is an average credit. Good credits start at 700 with 850 being supreme and such ratings are of great importance. Importance of Credit Scores Influences your Employment Opportunities Many employers consider credit scores during the recruitment process. While most potential employees do not know this, an e mployer can legally obtain your credit report and this will often be used to determine whether to employ you on a permanent basis or not. Many employers see credit scores as a reflection of the individual’s personality. An individual who has poor scores is assumed to be a great risk since he is already unable to manage his credit. Poor credit scores are also seen as indicators of poor job performance, irresponsibility, and questionable integrity. Influences your Interest Rates The credit score also determines the insurance rates one has to pay in many instances. For example, auto insurance and life insurance rates are set in part based on your credit standing and your credit score. A person who has good credit will be offered a lower rate compared to one with poor credit who will be forced to pay higher premiums.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Memo for Raising Awareness on Credit Scores among Interns specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/p age Learn More Influences Borrowing Success Rates A person’s credit score will also influence his ability to borrow money from financial institutes. Specifically, a good rating score will be helpful when a person is trying to get a loan. Banks and other lenders are more willing to do business with people with high credit scores since such scores are an indication that they will recover at least the principal amount of their loan with little trouble. How to Raise your Credit Scores Obtain a credit score report Getting a credit score with a report will be very helpful in raising your scores. As such, the first step to managing your credit rating is to get your FICO credit score. This will help you to know your credit standing and assist you take measures to improve it if it is poor. If you do not know how to read these reports, you can contact me for further help. Learning how to interpret credit reports is an essential financial skill that you will use throughou t your life. Limit the number of credit cards you have Credit cards present the illusion that a person has free money to use. This is not the case and credit cards should be viewed as borrowed funds that can be costly if one does not manage them properly. Having a limited number of credit cards is therefore a good idea. Having two credit cards; one for regular purchases and one for emergencies, would be a good decision. You should then ensure that expenses remain within the card’s limits at all times. If the limit is reached, avoid the temptation to apply for an additional card. Applying for multiple credit cards over a short period of time will also lower your credit score.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This is because lenders will perceive this as an attempt by the individual to spend more money than their current credit limits. Each new card will therefore have a negative impact on scores. Make use of a Budget Operating a monthly budget is a very important measure to help you control your credit debt. The budget will assist you to have a clear sense of exactly how much money you are earning and how much you are spending. It will therefore help you manage your cash flow and achieve your financial goals including paying off student loans. Pay your Bills on Time Develop the habit of paying your bills on time every month. You should pay off the balance for every credit card you own promptly and make your monthly loans repayments on time as well. This measure is of very great importance considering the fact that 30% of your credit score is based on timely payment of bills. In addition to this, timeliness of bill payments will save you from the late fees and additional interest charges imposed on those who make their payments late. Automate your finances Many people forget to handle some of their bills on time since they have too many obligations and therefore overlook some. Having an automatic bank payment that credits the bills each month can be very useful. You can also make use of programs that issue you with automatic reminders of bills that are due soon. Automation will ensure that your credit score is not reduced because of your own forgetfulness or disorganization. Make use of a Financial Planner While some people are capable of coming up with good financial management plans on their own, others are not. If you are overwhelmed by your financial obligations and unable to work out the best plan by yourself, you can make use of a financial planner. This professional will assess your financial situation and help you to implement a spending plan that will result in financial health. Conclusion It is important to remember that once a low credit score has been e stablished, increasing the score to a favorable level might take months or even years. It would therefore be more prudent to avoid establishing a bad credit score at the earliest time possible. This essay on Memo for Raising Awareness on Credit Scores among Interns was written and submitted by user Violet D. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Can Child Labour Be A Necessary Evil Young People Essay Essays

Can Child Labour Be A Necessary Evil Young People Essay Essays Can Child Labour Be A Necessary Evil Young People Essay Essay Can Child Labour Be A Necessary Evil Young People Essay Essay Now yearss, the composite and cosmopolitan job of kid labour have become a rough world pulling world-wide attending. The prevalence of child labor is economically unsound, psychologically black and physically every bit good as morally unsafe. No uncertainty, labor is worship but child labor in unsafe and a smudge on the scruples of society. It is a sad matter that child labor is deprived of his vernal life, instruction and therefore chances of higher degree of life. Child labour perpetuates poorness, it does non cut down it as it condemns one coevals after another to its barbarous circle. Child labour injuries the advancement and prosperity of a state. Throwing visible radiation on this fact, John has justly said, Starve a kid of nutrient, of fondness, of freedom, of instruction and you produce an grownup who is stunted as an single and holds back advancement and development instead than speed up it . Our state is besides confronting this critical job of kid labour. A broad fluctuation is seen in the appraisal of child labour in state. Harmonizing to 1971, 1981 and 1991 nose count of India, the figure of working kids accounted for 10.74 million, 13.60 million and 11.28 million severally. The ORG has estimated that the figure of child labour is closer to 44 million. Harmonizing to U.N. , 55 % of the work force in India is made up of child labour. It is usually seen that employers do non ever supply accurate informations on kid labour in order to safeguard themselves from legal fusss. It was pointed out in the World Conference on Children that the figure of child labour in the universe is about 25 crore, out of which the maximal figure about 10 crore is found in India entirely. It is estimated that about 7.5 crore are engaged in rural countries while staying 2.5 crore are employed in urban countries. Alarmed at this critical job, ILO has besides estimated that India entirely account s for one 4th of entire child labour of the universe. Childlabor is rampant across the state. Children can be seen working in agricultural Fieldss, rug and durri industries, biri, handcraft, lucifer box, glass and bracelet industries, in eating houses and as domestic retainers. It is estimated that 30 per cent of child labour is engaged in agribusiness and allied activities, 30 to 35 per centum in industries and staying are engaged in excavation, tea gardens and hotels etc. These businesss are risky, doing terrible physical harm to them and therefore suppressing their mental, moral and societal development. These child labourers become prey to many fatal diseases, like T.B. , Cancer, Asthma, lungs and tegument related diseases. The sad predicament of child labour is depicted by Sudha and Tiwari in these words, It is truly sad to observe that kids in most of the development states are populating suffering, depressing lives, laboring unendlessly to guard off famishment, wholly deprived of all amenitiess and chances for self growing and d evelopment. Poverty, unemployment, traditional attitude, marginalisation of farms, urbanisation, deficiency of schools, reluctance of parents to direct their kids to schools are the factors responsible for the job of kid labor. In fact, poorness is seen as the major factor responsible for this job. Poor parents barely have clip for their kids because they are all the clip fighting for staff of life and butter. They are non in a place to carry through their duties towards kids. In world, the kids are supposed to be the excess earning custodies, instead than excess oral cavities to feed. Children are made to work at a really immature age. Stressing this factor, the study of the Committee on Child Labor commented, Stronger than tradition is the factor of chronic poorness responsible for the prevalence and prolongation of kid labour . In hapless households, the kid, since his really appearance in this universe, is endowed with an economic mission.The kid is compelled to cast perspiration of forehead to maintain the wolf off from the door . Large sized households are besides held responsible for this job. Again, most of the workers are engaged in non organized sector. The insufficiency of rewards in this sector compels these workers to direct their kids on work to supplement their income. Availability of child labour at lower rewards besides motivates the employers to use them. The employment of the kid labour non merely reduces the cost of production but besides provides entree to that labour which is unresisting and unorganised. As a consequence of this tendency, the rewards of other grownup workers decline, big unemployment additions and that paves manner for the poorness. Nurse s barbarous circle of poorness explains the phenomenon of kid labour clearly. Therefore, child labour is an development of kid by the vested involvements. On the one side, there is irresistible impulse of hapless parents and on the other side ; the unresponsive attitude of specific industries is besides responsible for this job. The state of affairs of kid labourers in India is despairing. Children work for eight hours at a stretch with merely a little interruption for repasts. The repasts are besides economical and the kids are sick nourished. Most of the migratory kids, who can non travel place, sleep at their work topographic point, which is really bad for their wellness and development. Seventy five per centum of Indian population still resides in rural countries and are really hapless. Children in rural households who are ailing with poorness perceive their kids as an income bring forthing resource to supplement the household income. Parents sacrifice their kids s instruction to carry through the basic demands of their younger siblings and see them as pay earners for the full household. Irrelevance of instruction in practical life is besides considered an of import factor for this job. It is justly pointed out, A secondary ground for kid labour is that many kids choose to work because neither they nor their poorness afflicted households see the point of geting an instruction which has small relevancy to their lives and which furthermore does non vouch them a occupation. They prepare to undergo some sort of apprenticeship so that they can larn a accomplishment and gain money at the same clip . These kids are deprived of their childhood. The chances of acquiring good instruction and good occupations become a distant dream for them. Therefore, the parents, society a nd the province are responsible for this condemnable unfairness with the hereafter citizens. Childs are flowers of our national garden they should be nurtured with love and fondness so that ; they grow into responsible and antiphonal citizens. Child labor has of import demographic and social-economic deductions for developing states like India. Many commissariats have been made in the fundamental law of the state to advance the public assistance and development of kids. Under Article 29 of the fundamental law, no kid below the age of 14 can be deployed in any risky work. Article 23 prohibits forced labor. The chapter IV of theIndian fundamental law references specific waies related to the public assistance of kids. In Article 39, it is made obligatory for the provinces to explicate constabularies in such a manner so that the healthy development of kids can be ensured. To safeguard the involvements of these deprived kids, assorted Torahs have been enacted in the state. Many statute laws have been passed to forestall the employment of kids in risky businesss and to better their on the job conditions. Many policies have besides been formulated for the healthy and balanced development of kids. In the same manner, there are of import statute laws which provide legal protection to child labor in India. Some of them are following: 1. Child ( Pledging of labor ) . Act ( Government of India, 1933 ) 2. The Employment of Children Act ( Government of India, 1938 ) 3. The Minimum rewards Act, 1948 4. The mills Act, 1948 5. The Plantation Labour Act, 1951 6. The Mines Act, 1952 7. The Merchant Shipping Act, 1958 8. The Motor Transport Workers Act, 1961 9. The Apprentices Act, 1961 10. The Bedi and Cigar Workers Act, 1966 11. State Shops and Establishment Acts, 12. Harmonizing to the National Policy for kids, 1974, no kid under 14 old ages can be engaged in any risky business. It is besides laid down in the policy that kids should be protected against disregard, inhuman treatment and development. Again, the Child Labour ( Prohibition and Regulation ) Act was initialed in 1986 to censor kids s employment in 70 risky businesss. National Child Labour Project ( NCLP ) was besides launched by Labour Ministry in 1988 to rehabilitate working kids. In Oct, 2006, the Government has passed statute law to censor the employment of kids below 14 old ages in eating houses, hotels, tea-stalls, restaurants and as domestic labourers. India has besides become a signer to assorted international declarations and understandings to modulate the threat of child labor. So, it has become obligatory for the state to set about the steps to extinguish the flagellum of kid labor which has assumed serious proportions in recent old ages. Many policies have been formulated for the healthy and balanced development of kids. The Government has launched Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Mid Day Meal Scheme, Education Guarantee programme etc to convey the kid labor under the umbrella of instruction. Non Governmental Organizations were besides permitted to open residential schools for these kids to convey them back to the mainstream of the society. Residential and particular schools have besides been setup for the instruction of child labour. In 2006 the Government has introduced Integrated Child Development services aimed at supplying a bundle of services dwelling of auxiliary nutrition, immunisation, wellness look into up and instruction and non-formal instruction. In malice of acceptance and execution of assorted policies, Torahs and programmes by the authorities straight or indirectly, the job of kid labour is still gazing at us. Due to ignorance, illiteracy and economic irresistible impulses of the hapless households, these Torahs are evaded at different topographic points at different points of clip. Weak enforcement machinery, small information related to child labour Torahs and curious socio-economic conditions are besides the factors responsible for the turning away of Torahs related to kids. To look into the job of kid labor, it is indispensable to eliminate the threat of poorness by bettering agribusiness sector, supplying employment to unemployed custodies at minimal rewards, set uping agro-processing units in rural countries. Rigorous steps should besides be taken to do employment coevals and poorness obliteration programs effectual and successful and corruptness free. In the same manner, population control steps and other medical installations must be provided to the hapless subdivision of the state. Adequate school installations, proviso of dark schools, betterment in school environment and course of study of instruction can besides lend a batch in work outing this critical job. National Commission for Protection of Child Rights ( NCPCR ) should besides guarantee that reclaimed kid laborers do non return to work. So every attempt must be made for the repatriation of rescued kid laborers to their native topographic points. Poverty, unemployment and illiteracy are the premier grounds responsible for this job. So attempts must be made to eliminate these causes. Monetary inducements and income bring forthing assets must be provided to hapless households so that they are non compelled to direct their kids to work. It is indispensable to counterbalance the households of those kids who are being withdrawn from work force. A strong socio-political environment must be achieved with the active cooperation of people, society, and non authorities organisation. NGOs must actuate the parents to supply instruction, wellness attention and accomplishment development installations to their kids. Particular schools may be set up for the kid labour so they can get minimal makings. In the same manner, specific schemes must be evolved maintaining in head the nature of work in which the kid is presently engaged. Therefore, a joint attempt of authorities, NGOs and society is required to work out this critical job. We should seek to strike at the root cause of this critical job. Attempts should be made to alter the attitude and mentality of the people towards their kids. We should neer bury that today s kids are tomorrow s citizen. If this critical job is non tackled desperately, we can good conceive of the hereafter of our state in the yearss to come. 1

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Digital Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 1

Digital Marketing - Essay Example In the past Clarks has overcome challenges such as volatile market conditions, lack of financial flexibility as well as questionable planning and today, through extensive employment of digital marketing, Clarks is one of the largest private companies in the united kingdom and with massive global presence (Jones, 2012 p, 192-193). According to Tran (2012), Clarks’ products have a good reputation for high quality and are available in the latest fashions. The products have a good reputation for high quality and are available in the latest fashions. In the changing footwear industry, Clarks always comes with refreshing brands. The launch of online business has been a success for the company in building its international brand. Clarks has three main distinctive products that include the Desert Boot, Wallabee and desert Trek. The main feature for Clarks shoes is that they have unique comfort. Clarks designs and manufactures shoes that are uniquely styled, comfortable and of premium quality. Its concept of comfort in footwear dates back to 1960 when the company designed the Moccasin-inspired Wallabee. It was the most comfortable shoe in the world. Today, the Wallabees and the iconic desert Boots still sell at the company stores. Today, Clarks shoes that classified into different categories. They include Clarks walking shoes, Clarks’ casual shoes as well as Clarks business casual shoes. There are many other unstructured collections of shoes for men, women, boys and girls. The company’s product line includes boots, slippers, sandals, casual and sport shoes as well as bags (Jones, 2012 p, 192-193). Digital marketing strategy had been a drive towards the realization of massive digital presence for the company. It all begun in 2010 after the appointment of the current CEO, Melissa Potter, who drove the re-organization of the company’s business operations. Most importantly he launched online business for the company, and it has made Clarks a